Leading Your Organization

Shifting seasons of organizational

We naturally understand seasons of growth in nature. Every day is not harvest day, and there is a period of time after you’ve planted when there appears to be nothing happening.

The same is true in your organization. Not every time is the right time to experience numerical growth. Don’t believe me? Ask yourself if you have the staff and resources to handle triple your current numbers. Systems would break down, volunteers would burn out and ultimately your numbers would return to the point where you structure can maintain it.

In fact, we believe there are eight areas or seasons of growth that every organization needs to develop to fully experience their full potential.


The Leader Must Grow

“Everything rises and falls on leadership”
John Maxwell.


The TEAM must grow

The biggest roadblock in most organizations is leaders.
If your team isn’t growing, eventually your organization won’t either.


The Systems must grow

Systems won’t grow an organization but the lack of systems will limit it’s growth.

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The NUmbers must grow

Lack of growth here is often an indicator of drift in one of the other areas. Discover the reason and focus on growing where you need to.

Narrow Your Focus

Narrow Your Focus

If you really want to make a lasting impact, then you need to eliminate what you do well for the sake of what you can potentially do best.


The finances must grow

Finances won’t grow your organization, but it almost guaranteed to stop its growth.


The Expectations must grow

The higher the expectation the higher our results. If we allow things to become complacent we’ve wasted a ton of resources (time, energy, finances) and miss opportunities.


The FACILITY must grow

A lack of facilities will limit your growth.

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The culture must grow

Culture trumps vision and every organization battles with cultural drift.


Constantly evaluate what season you are in and ask yourself where is your weakest link. Some, like numbers, often rely on other points to see results. Rate each out of 10 and work on the one that will have the greatest impact.