Pastor Eric Smith
Parallel Leaders Podcast | Episode 011
If you aren’t seeing results or sustaining ongoing growth it may not be a vision, culture or staffing problem.
Developing a system to not only get the right people on the team but continually develop them, defining the scorecard so everyone knows when they are winning, restructuring for effective team meetings, establishing core values and planning workflows all play essential roles in the success of your organization.
“Taking time to address a problem, will save 2-10 times that amount of time in the future!”
Gino Wickman
- Why should you create a “Momentum” type system.
- “Momentum System” overview.
- The impact of the “Momentum” or EOS system in action.
- Why you need to do a culture audit and how it can improve team trust.
- Why your staff might be feeling frustrated.
- Determining priorities when correcting your culture.
- Creating measurements and metrics out of your values.
- The power of a 100-minute meeting.
- Lag Measures and Lead Actions
► BOOK: Momentum by Eric Smith
► BOOK: Traction by Gino Wickman
► 5 Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni
► 5 Voices System by GiANT Worldwide

Eric Smith
Founder/Lead Pastor of Hope City Church in Bonita Springs, Florida and President/Founder at The Equip Group
Dr. Eric Smith brings twenty years of ministry and leadership experience, with ten of those years as a Senior Pastor. He was a founder of Vertical Church, a church plant in Mississippi that became one of the fastest growing churches in the State which grew to four campuses.
During that same time period, Eric was a founder of the 242 Network. The 242 Network is a church-planting network that assesses, trains, and coaches church planters primarily in Mississippi, but also around North America. During his time as the 242 Network Director, the team developed church planter assessments, training, and coaching.
The 242 Network has now helped to plant over 50 churches and trained hundreds of church leaders. After almost seven years as a church planter and the 242 Network Director, Eric took on the task of revitalizing Vaughn Forest Church in Montgomery, AL, a church that had been declining for almost nine consecutive years. Under Eric’s leadership and a powerful work of the Holy Spirit, the church saw the momentum change and within a year and a half was named to Outreach Magazine’s “100 Fastest Growing Churches in America”.
During the past two years Eric has worked as a consultant serving churches and church plants around the country. Eric and Krystal believe God is calling their family to take a new step of faith and plant Hope City Church.
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