Pastor Leon Fontaine
GoCast Podcast | Season 2 Episode 003
This past year has been exceptionally challenging for churches all over the world. In Part 2 of Season 2 Episode 2 we get an inside look at the whole experience from a pastor’s point of view and a glimpse into some of the conversations had between them.
Pastor Leon Fontaine of Spring Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba has been a senior pastor for over 26 years and has spoken with many pastors about where their focus is and what direction they see the church going in the future.
Leon Fontaine
Leon has a powerful and practical teaching style that keeps his audience coming back for more. Using the Spirit Contemporary® style he has made famous, Leon empowers people to be led by Holy Spirit in their everyday lives and, at the same time, gain influence with the people in their world like never before.
Leon is a conference speaker, author and talk show host; he is the CEO of Miracle Channel, Canada’s original Christian television station; and he and his wife Sally are the senior pastors of Springs Church, one of the fastest growing churches in Canada. Author of The Spirit Contemporary Life: Unleashing the Miraculous in Your Everyday World. Available Now.
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